Tuesday 16 July 2013

My foxy fail

Well I bought an issue of Knit Now (Issue 22) magazine purely for the Foxy Loxy pattern designed by Joeli Caparco (you can find her on ravelry). http://www.ravelry.com/designers/joeli-caparco
It's gorgeous and I was really proud of my first piece of colour work...the tension wasn't perfect on the foxes but I was happy with it and my son loved it so much he was wearing it in the house in the boiling heat lol

so imagine how gutted I was when after approx 5-6 hours of knitting it, I washed it and fail...
I didn't receive washing instructions with the yarn (which might I add was £4.50 a ball...extra gutted) and so washed it the same as I have all my other items, only it turns out this yarn is hand wash or dry clean only!
I had been intended to make the jumper from this yarn as well but now I think I'll use a machine washable yarn and this will have to be for lovely accessories...but gonna have to make my little one another foxy hat as he still keeps trying to wear it and it obviously no longer fits...poor boy!
If anybody reading this has had any similar experiences please feel free to post your fail pictures and experiences :)

1 comment:

  1. Shrink it a bit more and maybe you could put it on an Innocent Smoothie? :p
