Saturday 23 August 2014

My apologies! update

Sorry I haven't posted much recently, I'm having some elbow, wrist and hand pain so knitting and spinning is a little difficult. I can do a little at a time but it means I don't have much progress on anything sadly.
Think I may have pushed myself too far for stash dash and now my body is punishing me lol
On a happy note I have some lovely new things for when I can get to them :)
Fondant Fibre: some super soft mixed Finn and silk in natural, more norboo in whispering gold, superwash cheviot (my first) in orbit, and more superwash merino in desert night so I now have 200g to play with :)
Felt Fusion: my first order with this company, the geek's aurora (merino/nylon blend) was dyed up as she had none in stock, but I love the vibrant mix of colours and look forward to seeing how they knit up, the black and green sparkle was the last she had in stock and is a merino/nylon/sparkle blend for some awesome witchy looking socks :)
Felt Fusion: superwash merino fibre in the Sunset Blvd colourway, really bright colours and super soft too :)
So I now have lots of pretties I really want to use and sore joints preventing me speeding up so I can lol
The socks I'm working on are intended for a friend (if they fit and she likes them), though still not at the heel yet lol -fingers crossed- I'd like to make myself some socks out of both of these yarns but not sure which first lol I still have some xmas gifts to knit too...and I have hopes to hand spin and hand knit something for someone too :)
And not forgetting I want to make some small knitted pumpkins too :)
As it stands I'm still working on the red hitchhiker, opal little prince socks and I have a single fingerless mitt lol and I'm still spinning the summer blues superwash merino too.
Oh and I'm after making a 12" square to send to ObiwanKnitter aka Dan from the bakery bears.
Wish me luck...
Happy Crafting!


  1. Love all your fibre and goodness it's going to be a hive of activity over at your house.

    1. I'm not very fast lol I buy faster than I will ever be able to spin or knit lol especially at the minute lol but thanks, I have a few shops that I like to buy from again and again :)
