Saturday 8 October 2016

Update: a little of everything

Knitting news!
I finished these socks for my niece, my first time used regia yarn, but it knit up well and was softer than I'd anticipated, though granted not as soft as the indie dyed I get lots of lol I made a mistake on the first heel, went too far but it's still wearable, just a small ridge on the base of the heel, but not noticeable when wearing them. I amended the heel on the second sock so it doesn't have the ridge.
A close up of the colours, I really liked these, and love that I've intentionally mismatched the stripes :) I used 2mm addi circulars to knit them.
I cast on a second pair of frankensocks, these ones are from my left over the yarn tree yarns on her sparkle base :) I'll try remember to list all the colourways I use with the finished object :)
I'm still working on the garter stitch version of the captured colours shawl, I did the test knit for it and it's now available on ravelry by stitched together. I'm yet to test gauge for an up coming gift knit and have multiple knitting plans but seem to be on a go slow right now. I need to knit faster, my stash is ever growing lol I've pulled out a few older skeins to knit up next, other then one of the new goodies (below) which will be for my son :)
Spinning news!
I finished the Wenselydale/Gotland, I got 122m from 101g of a 2ply. It's a fairly rustic yarn for sure but I liked trying a new to me fibre.
I also spun some rolags on my wheel for the first time, I got 179m from 122g of a 2ply, the fibre was BFL/silk from fondant fibre in the owlet colourway. I really liked spinning from the rolags, I still have over and under spun areas but I didn't have to pre prepare the fibre like I do for braids etc.
I started spinning an oldish fibre from my stash, this is maiden voyage, a colourway from the jazz club in 2014, it's 70% organic merino/15% bamboo/15% tussah silk, I feel like I got this slightly thinner than other fibres I've spun but I'll have to wait till I ply it to know for sure.
I really like how these colours worked together, small and longer blocks of colours with bits of barber polling even in the singles, if I was brave I'd navajo ply it but I'm not brave so an interesting 2ply it shall have to make lol
I also started spinning some BFL humbug fibre from Yarndale 2014, I have 200g of it so I'm hoping to get a decentish yardage :)
I've pulled out a few fibres to spin next, and by a few I'm talking a bag full lol they're older stash so I want to spin them before I get into all my newer fibres haha it's going ok but I keep eyeing up new ones lol
My autumn box arrived from the yarn tree, and it is exquisite, the autumn rainbow colourway is seriously stunning and I love the leaf bag clip (or clasp marker), but also, it means I have the third seasonal wine glass :) I love these and the set will be so pretty when winter joins the others in my cupboard lol I love that this one has a pumpkin on it :)
I saw this octopus themed yarn online and I went a bit crazy lol it's dyed to look like an octopus and it's on one of my favourite bases, I love a high twist yarn :)
So I may have gone a bit nuts lol but my aim is to make another octopus toy for my son, this time with octopus yarn, adorable lol and myself maybe a hat and cowl or something, I had to have something octopusy too lol I also love the cute cephalopod clasp markers you get with each skein :) these are from mothy and the squid, a new to me dyer, but one with a gorgeous selection of yarns to keep my eye on :)
Sorry it's been so long again since my last update, I seem to be either tired or busy (while seemingly getting nothing done) of late. My son is struggling the moment which means I am too, he's got two wobbly teeth and his first big tooth breaking trough, but he can't explain and doesn't understand so just keeping an eye on them and trying to deal with is moodiness.
Happy Crafting!

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