Sunday 19 July 2015

white wallaby & singles

Finally finished the white wallaby baby cardigan :)
This was knit with left over white DK in my stash and I lost yarn chicken so one cuff has another random white DK to finish it off lol I used stash buttons in a pale orange so the cardigan is still unisex.
I do get bored of purling lol not gonna be fun when doing bigger sizes lol that's the joy to knitting in the round, less purling lol
I've done a bit of spinning on my spindle this morning, two different coloured singles (from fondant fibre samples) which I'm going to ply together.
On the left is 70's wallpaper (merino/nylon) and on the right is a purple sample (I don't know the name) which feels like merino/nylon too.
Singles of each on the spindle...
Singles wound onto toilet roll tubes and ready to ply :) I think these together will make a really cool barber pole yarn :)
I'm hoping to ply bone, and if possible the la la lupin on my wheel today and these hopefully tomorrow. 
Happy Crafting!


  1. Your spinning is getting better :) keep it up. The purple is gorgeous x

    1. Thank you :) this is now plied, need to get a new post up lol having so much fun with it :)
