Monday 9 March 2015

Update: stitch markers, buttons, bag and more

I made a set of sea life themed stitch markers (including an autism awareness one) with one clasp marker that can be used to mark progress or as a zipper pull.
I finally figured I didn't have 8 matching buttons to go on my mums cowl so went to my local haberdashery and got these cute ones that match it brilliantly :) I've since given it to mum and she likes it, so that's good :)
We had a fine day at the weekend, first in quite a while, so we went for a walk up to a park, my son played on the slide and swing and galloped around having loads of fun. It was nice to get out and about for a bit. 
I won a project bag through an instagram giveaway from @alexandramckenziemason and it arrived wrapped in lovely paper (left image)...the bag itself is great, really well made with thick wadding so no worry of needles poking through and a 'gorjuss' print fabric (right image) that is really cute. I'd defiantly think about buying one of her bags in the future (though I have way more than I need, but the quality is good and the prices looked reasonable too, SpinningandStitching on etsy), I've added quite a few items to my favourites. 
I cast on another 8" charity square but had to cast off early, the yarn made my arms and hands hurt really bad, never had that happen before, it's just an acrylic but gonna be passing it on to my knit n natter group and see if someone else can use it. Pattern is the buni facecloth by tikki knits.
As the square was too small I picked up stitches around the edges and did some garter stitch to get it to size.
I did a little spinning on the lovely fibre from fondant fibre, I spun the first half before my tattoo and just picked up the second half yesterday :) Fibre is BFL/trilobal blend and the sparkle isn' showing very well but I assure you it's there :)
Speaking of fondant fibre she's just had an update and I'm in love with some of her rolags, my top 3 that are tempting me to buy them (in no particular order) are:
Montmartre Carousel
She's also uploaded some cute and adorable project bags for you all to drool over, or buy lol :)
I've got the two at a time socks ready to do the fish lips kiss heels but need a little more brain power and less joint pain to get them done two at a time (I usually do them separately but thought I should try them two at a time all the way through the sock). Yarn is opal from the play range.
Now I'm a bit headachey and very tired (my son decided to be wide awake between 2am and 5am so sleep wasn't very restful) so I'm off to try do as little as possible.
Happy Crafting!

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