Tuesday 21 October 2014

SOCKS! + selfish knitting

I finally finished the socks lol it took about two and a half months but I cast them off yesterday...here's hoping they fit lol
Opal sock yarn; the little prince and the geographer, on 2mm circular knitting needles, done two at a time toe up.
My selfish knitting is the gothic lace (by tincan knits) cowl in malabrigo rios (866 arco iris) on 5mm needles, it needs washing and some sort of blocking then buttons sewing on but it looks pretty nice. Love the yarn lots, want more for sure :)
I still need to finish the shawl for my mum and cast on socks for her too..and wellie socks for my son, and I'd like some too considering all the lovely sock yarn I've bought lol and that's just the sock plans lol I need more time haha
Happy Crafting!


  1. The socks look awesome :). Do we get to see the selfish knit?!

    1. How odd I'm sure I replied lol the small detail pic is my selfish knitting, I'll get a picture of it on when it's dry and has buttons on :) x
