Sunday 7 June 2015

How you know you're a special needs parent...

How you know you're a special needs parent...I have to say I find these two points very true lol
My son is very particular about what he eats so I have to take food with me, and he doesn't sit still or be quiet, he can be quite destructive and is fussy about where he goes for various reasons (two major ones being: space and how loud a place is). We'd been going to the same cafe since he was a baby, they changed the interior and got rid of "his" table (he always had to sit in the same place) and now he doesn't like it anymore, he put green crayon in my brew n threw things, so we don't go anymore. He likes things to stay the same and if they don't he gets very upset, his behaviour can get so out of hand it's not only a little embarrassing (I feel mean admitting that) but it's also hard to get him out of that situation and calm again, so I feel like what's the point in getting him worked up in the first place as it only makes life more difficult for a time.
My son has sleep problems as well as autism and no matter how little sleep I get on a regular basis my body doesn't cope well. He either wakes in the night for an hour or two and gets up between 5:30 and 6am or he sleeps with little disruption (but still disruption) but wants to get up between 4 and 5am. As it stands I'm in a seemingly constant state of sleep deprivation lol
Good luck with your kiddies :)

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