Friday 18 April 2014

Wreck This Journal - Thursday

I've done a few more pages in my journal though seem to be slowing down now, partially waiting for paint to dry and partially coz keep knitting and going out (I take it with me but only get a page or so done rather than pages like at home where all my supplies are) lol I've started a second non mystery KAL (same project just different colours), this one is lime and yellow, much nicer (in my opinion). I'm further than this but not got another pic yet, I've about 3/5 rows to go before this one is also finished (until the next clue on Monday). Found these two colours in the depths of my stash so still not had to buy more yarn. Though I did the other day when a charity shop had brand new yarn for super cheap, me n my friend went a bit nuts lol lets hope am not allergic to it. I once bought loads of cheap yarn and my hands and wrists went really red and sore, basically my eczema flared up and had to give it all away :(
In the WTJ I've decorated the instruction page: I used felt tip pens and just doodled really. There's a sun, sheep, feathers, book, crab, leaf, snail, star fish etc.
Then I stuck some nice new mum quotes on the smush something colourful here page and then covered the page in metallic paint (I had to rub some off with a detol wipe so text still visible).
I also decorated the information page (when printed, and copyright etc. on left under lots of paint), has yellow blobs (meant to be stars) and says "Wishing on a star!" (but hard to see in the picture) the warning page is just full of doodles too: sun, pig, cloud with hidden sun and lightening bolts, leaf, tree, fish, eye, lips, foot print etc.
All the painted bit were done with my fingers which was kinda fun, but messy lol I even got some on my rug...ooops! Still lots of pages to do, but slowing down with how many I do in a day.
Can't wait for clue two for the non mystery KAL (link in my previous post).
Happy crafting!

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