Tuesday 20 January 2015

Music, Mitt, and More!

It's been a long time since I relaxed in a bath long enough to listen to more than a song or two, and usually I don't as it disturbs my son...however, this week I managed to listen to around 6 songs from The Divine Comedy (by Milla Jovovich) during a lovely, hot bath...nice and comforting to be so warm when there's snow outside. This album is one I've loved for a long time, in fact I used to listen to it all the time before my son was born and I just kinda forgot about it...I know, bad me! But when my micro SD card died in my phone I got a new one and put this album on it...nice to have something so mellow with good memories to listen to :)
I've finished the first "hello, gorgeous" mitt, I changed the ribbing to be like "the bird's dead, Dru socks" rather than as stated in the pattern, and changed the thumb a little, but I think it looks really good. The red is hard to photograph and pick up the lace/cable details. I did make a mistake with a yo before p on one row but just picked up a stitch on the next when I noticed and it doesn't seem to stand out too much so think I can get away with it. I used 2mm needles for these mitts, and the fit seems nice on me.
(lightened a bit in instagram to try and show the pattern a little more, the yarn is very red)
I've done my first tiny bit of spinning for the year (I don't remember spinning so far this year at least lol). It's whitefaced woodland tops that were hand dyed, gifted by my FF secret santa 2014. It's very thick and thin, but was nice to pick up my drop spindle again. Still having issues with my wheel. I think it's safe to say spinning is not one of my talents, just something I like, I just wish I could spin like the people in the fondant fibre group on ravelry lol maybe one day, but it seems an awful long way off...
This sign I thick sums up bed this time of year...snow and ice outside, a hot water bottle and a nice heavy quilt are bliss when it's cold :)
Been out in the cold today, my son did not like that the snow is now ice and so slippery, not impressed at all...but nothing I could do, we had an appointment. The roads are mostly clear now, but the pavements are crazy slippy and involves jumping around trying to find clear bits or areas that are still rough rather than smooth lol
I keep hoping it'll go away but it's set to be below 0 degrees again tonight. Let me tell you taking a full wheely bin up a steep slope which is mostly ice was so hard I wanted to give up, but it's rather full so that wasn't an option...it needs emptying as I've already more rubbish to go in it (thanks to clear outs mostly).
Wishing for milder weather! :)
Had a delivery from fondant fibre today, there was a little mix up with a project bag I ordered over the holidays, so she sent me out a new one and some rolags (and a small sample) to say sorry and replace the incorrect item. So lovely, I was very touched, just the bag would have been enough, but nice to see there is someone with such good customer service around :) she always sends samples with her orders but this was just beyond what I had expected. On Boxing day I signed up to her next fibre club for Jan/Feb/Mar 2015 so I've those to look forward to as well...a very happy me! Especially as the rolags were such an awesome colourway (Polly) but my camera is struggling to capture it well...sparkle too...happy mail day!
Hope any KALs you're involved in are going well and good luck :)
Happy Crafting!

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