Saturday 17 January 2015

socks, snow, sorrow and sanity!

Sorry it's fairly long again, and can you tell by the title I like alliteration..?
I finished my secret santa ankle socks, rico design hobby print yarn, gifted from my santa in the fondant fibre swap for December 2014.
I used the fish lips kiss heel with 2mm needles. I made them ankle socks for in the house, making sure they fit ok and I like the fabric etc.
My son woke in he night and it was freezing, little did I know that crazy snow was falling...I hate snow, I live on a steep street so it makes life difficult when it snows as we're a side street so we don't get gritted and it turns into an icey slope with people and cars sliding down...till the cones come out to try and deter people.
I had to walk my son to the bottom of the street for his school transport, he couldn't decide if he liked the snow or not lol but he left cute little foot prints :) at least it was fresh fall so not slippy.
By the afternoon it was rather icey and I was praying for it to clear...we struggled up the street after school, put the fire on and my son wanted his onsie on (one way of indicating we're not going out again, my son can't talk).
Luckily by the next day it was just wet, no snow or ice to be seen on the streets, just the hills...then it came back with a vengeance...insane snow, then it just stopped and started for the day...luckily by after school we were clear again but it's come down in the night and is meant to be with us all day, some people are thrilled me not so much. I know I sound miserable, I just don't see the appeal of; being so cold your face hurts, hands going numb and sore with cold, slipping around like a new born fawn, getting so wet your clothes freeze...and I'm sure there are other reasons but you get my drift...I'm a winter baby who isn't a winter fan...I'm more a warm but not hot kinda girl lol fussy I know haha
In other news: I've still been good, no more yarn purchases yet this year, though I have bought needles for socks...more on that later. Have you been buying yarn? Do you hide it, if so where..? Mines just in boxes, some are in sight some are not, luckily I don't have a partner to hide it from for spending too much, just a son who sometimes tries to claim my skeins for himself lol
I cast on my mums second pair of socks, so pleased with myself, a cute design (complete with Buffy reference, always a plus) with opal love story yarn on 2mm needles. I love this pattern, it keeps you interested without being too difficult, pattern is The Bird's Dead, Dru Socks by sparklepunk-creations...ready for the bad news!
It's crying time! I was so sad to rip these back but I got the the heel prep and it was just too tight to slip over the ankle bend...I seriously just felt so low in that moment, completely gutted! I still am but I had some 2.25mm needles I ordered recently thinking the may be handy for some mitts...I've used them to cast on the cuff again for these socks, they are looser so I'm carrying I've ordered a set of 2.5mm circs and am wondering if I should change to them after the cuff for the lace pattern...I didn't realise just how extra tight it would be with the 2mm, I've used them for ribbed socks and been do I stick with 2.25mm and risk them being too tight again...or change to 2.5mm and risk them being too loose..? HELP! I'm not sure I could knit all that again and frog it again without crying and giving up on them...and I really don't want to do that as I'm enjoying the pattern.
My landlord is due round today, looking at fixing my kitchen...I should have cleaned up, at least a little, did lol I knitted and slept lol My son has toys everywhere and I can't bring myself to care today, is that bad..? I'd usually at least move toys to the side, have I again lol house organisation fail...but at least my banking is so organised when I got asked for a years worth of statements (from 2013) I not only had them but they are even highlighted for direct debits and payments in too, in order and ready to be taken to the job center...annoying but sorted, at least for now...
What would your two choices be..? Easy for me...happy kid and what's left of my sanity lol
I'm now going to make a brew and try chill for a bit after my son stressed because his ipod died (just the battery not broken, that would be bad luck lol) and before my landlord is due...wish me luck...
Hope you all have an awesome weekend, with or without snow!
Happy Crafting!

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