Thursday 2 January 2014

Baby vest started

You may have recently seen my lilangelsg2_little fuchsia vest that I made for my 3 year old. I loved this, it's small and fairly simple to make, designed by Adeline Too and I'd love to make more.
There is another vest design, very similar by Georgie Hallam and even though it's really similar I wanted it too lol This design is called the Milo and I'm working on one is size 3 months for my cousins baby. She's due in May and isn't sure if having a boy or girl so has decided she wants to get green things so they're neutral. My Milo is the owl version and in dark green (left over from my sons vest, plus a little extra left over from the jumper I knit him previously), it should fit from around August/September so the weather should have cooled enough for it to be useful lol
The design comes with multiple cable options for the strip down the front, which I think is a really good idea :) There are xo's, hearts, traditional twist cables, owl etc. The construction for both vests is very similar, they are both top down on circular needles, they use different increases to get the shoulder shaping, they use different under arm construction, the body is basically the same except one has a cable panel (this could of course be knit in stocking stitch if you wanted it plain), and both have the garter stitch brim at the bottom. I've liked knitting both and will probably make more of each depending on if knitting for a fitted or looser look. The little fuchsia design is more puffed as you decrease at the base of the top, this makes it a little more feminine if done in the right colours. It also has the small leaf option for at the bottom of the top. In hind site I probably should have started with the milo as it's unlikely I'd have needed both designs if I'd bought that one first. I like both designs but the milo comes with more variant options. Though I will still uses both I thought it best to point this out to anyone wishing to make their own vests for people.
My owl cable is hard to see as the green is dark, but I assure you it looks super cute. I've only done one set of the cable pattern as for such a small size rather than make the top super long I'll just add a little more garter stitch to the bottom. Obviously for bigger sizes the cable pattern would be repeated. It's fairly simple to do though I had to keep count of what row of the chart I was on.
I'm on the garter stitch bottom so should be finished either today or tomorrow :) baby clothes knit up so much faster lol and so small, like knitting for a doll lol
Happy crafting :)

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